Botox Injection for Hyperhidrosis
Botox Injection for Hyperhidrosis
Why have I been referred for this treatment?
Your consultant has diagnosed you with hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating) and referred you to us for Botox injections. Please read this leaflet before coming into hospital for your Botox injections.
You will not be able to have Botox injections if you are pregnant, considering becoming pregnant, breast feeding, suffer, or have been diagnosed with any muscular or heart problems. This will also apply if you are taking certain antibiotics or use any drugs as muscle relaxants, or if you have any bleeding disorder or taking anticoagulant drugs.
What is axillary (armpits) hyperhidrosis?
Your sweat glands work when you get a message from the body’s nervous system, if they get too many messages they keep on working and you can sweat excessively. This is called hyperhidrosis; if this happens under your arms it is called axillary hyperhidrosis.
Do I need to do anything before coming for the injections?
Please do not shave under your arms or use deodorant during the 24 hours prior to your appointment time. Please wear dark / black clothing as iodine solution is painted onto the skin, which will stain for a few days.
How are the injections given?
The treatment involves an iodine solution and starch powder being applied to your arm pits in order for us to identify the areas that you sweat. This will be followed by a series of small injections into the skin. The needles are very fine and the amount injected each time is tiny. Although there is some stinging the whole procedure takes approximately twenty minutes and is not too uncomfortable.
Will I need to take extra care after the treatment?
You can resume normal activity immediately after the treatment but please refrain from using deodorant for at least 2/3 days.
How does Botox work?
Botulinum Toxin, otherwise known as ‘Botox’ is a treatment given by injection into the skin. It is a preparation of protein and when small doses are injected into the skin, it blocks the signals from the nervous system that supply the sweat glands; this stops them working so hard and prevents them from producing so much sweat.
How long will the Botox work for?
Botox is not a permanent cure and some people may get greater benefit than others. In hyperhidrosis Botox helps to stop or greatly reduce the symptoms. This will usually happen within two weeks of treatment and the effects may last between six and seven months. If you find that this treatment has helped you, it can be repeated, this will give you the greatest benefit.
What are the possible side effects?
Most common side effects are: sweating in sites other than armpits, swelling, stinging and pain in the injection site, headache and hot flushes.
Less common: nausea, itching, temporary muscle pain and weakness, joint stiffness, pain in armpits.
Support groups & further information:
There is a support group on the internet for Hyperhidrosis which gives information regarding alternative treatments or if you require any other information at:
You can read a patient information leaflet that comes with Botox online at: