A group of doctors sat listening to a male teacher

Home Services Education & Training

Education and Training

Education and Training

As part of the Medical Clinics Group postgraduate education programme, we organise quarterly seminars, which all employees are invited to attend. These meetings usually include a service update, discussion of any governance issues/ complaints, clinical audits, educational lectures and discussion of interesting cases.

We also run the highly successful SEEDS program (South East Education for Dermatology Services)- a series of Consultant-led lectures aimed at primary care practitioners. Meetings take place in Worthing, Hove and Tunbridge Wells.

Since Medical Clinics Group began, we have supported five new GPSI doctors to gain their Diplomas in Clinical Dermatology. Two of our trainees have also been awarded a ‘Distinction’ at Queen Mary’s University. Our Consultant team also participates in local VTS training programmes and we also welcome GP trainees to sit in on clinics. Since April 2018, we have had 48 GPs and GP trainees gain more experience through observing our Consultants and GPSI’s including 6 ITP students on longer placements. If you would like any further information about our educational meetings or observing one of our clinics, please contact sally.evenett2@nhs.net.