A doctor holding a magnifying glass up to a series of icons representing qualityA doctor holding a magnifying glass up to a series of icons representing quality

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Clinical Governance

Clinical Governance Policies & Procedures

Clinical governance issues are discussed on a weekly basis by the clinical and administration management team. All staff are advised to highlight any issues with respective members of staff so that any potential problems are identified and resolved at an early stage and policies put into practice to improve on the way that we deliver clinical care and highlight potential risks.

We have three dedicated training sessions per annum for all staff to discuss any issues of a wider nature and to ensure statutory training regulations are met. Additional education programmes are implemented as required for new technologies and as part of continuing professional education.

We have a dedicated team which takes the role in clinical governance responsibility with respect to fire checks, electrical appliance testing and keeping patient information updated and secure. We regularly update internal policies that underpin the clinical and administrative service provided.

Key service information:

An electronic copy of our statement of purpose can be found below:

Statement of purpose

All information held by the service is kept in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR), Data Protection Act, the NHS Constitution and the NHS Care Records Guarantee.

All patient data is stored securely and used only for the purposes of direct-care. We do not pass on any patient information to research companies or third parties. If you are a patient and you have any concerns regarding the use of data within the service then please contact us on 01903 703 281 (for NHS patients) or 01903 820 010 for private patients.

Our Privacy Policy also provides advice for patients on how to make a complaint, how to request a copy of your data and how we share you data. Further information about how we use our data, please see our privacy policies below:

If you need to report a data breach or clinical incident, please reference our policies below and use the appropriate form. For more information about completing these forms, please speak to a member of Senior Management. All incidents must be reported promptly to enable us to comply with our standard policies and legal obligations.

Reporting adult abuse and help and advice

If you are at risk of abuse, or suspect someone else is please report it.

In an emergency dial 999 or adult social care on: 0300 200 1005, or if you need to speak to someone urgently, out of normal office hours our emergency duty team on: 01483 517898.

SCDS collects feedback from our NHS Patients using a patient satisfaction survey which is sent out via SMS. Patients are encouraged to complete the survey to provide the service with valuable feedback of their experience so we can make improvements to enhance services offered to our patients.

NHS Choices Friends and Family Test Information

The Service conducts an annual patient and GP satisfaction surveys across all locations to ensure that we are delivering the very best care to patients. Patient satisfaction surveys are SMS’s to all patients following their appointment and results are shared with ICB’s monthly.  SCDS achieved a 94% overall satisfaction score in 2023/2024, with 95% of patients indicating they were either extremely likely or likely to recommend the service.

The service regularly publishes service quality and governance reports. Our publicly available reports can be found below:

The service operates robust controls on Medicines Management and the links below may be informative for prescribers and medicines management teams.

Additional Medicines Management Guidelines

  • British Pharmacological Society Prescribing and Patient Safety Portal


We take care to ensure that our services, functions, policies and practices do not directly or indirectly, intentionally or unintentionally discriminate against our users or employees. All NHS organisations have a legal duty to analyse the impact of their policies, practices and services and to publish the results. Details of the Sussex Community Dermatology Service’s Equality Impact Assessment are available upon request.

The service has a number of policies and procedures for SCDS staff to use internally. Members of the public should instead contact us on 01903 820 010 if they have any concerns regarding their care within the service.

Anna Baldwin
Head of NHS Operations & Quality, SCDS
51 Chesswood Road
West Sussex
BN11 2AA